Paradox Interactive and Iceflake Studios today launched Rebirth, the third expansion for their survival colony builder, Surviving the Aftermath. Revealed...
Today, Gearbox Publishing and Cryptic Studios announced that Neverwinter’s 25th module, Menzoberranzan will launch on PC, PlayStation and Xbox consoles...
Tintinimaginatio and Microids are thrilled to reveal the first trailer and new visuals for the video game adaptation of Tintin Reporter -...
Today, KOEI TECMO America is excited to announce that their remastered classic, FATAL FRAME: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse, is now...
Today, Ubisoft announced that Operation Solar Raid is available now on PlayStation 4, PlayStation5, the Xbox One family of consoles,...
Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed, is a 4v1 action-packed video game that launched on Tuesday, October 18, from the asymmetrical multiplayer experts...
Conan Exiles receives its first major update following the monumental shift that came with Age of Sorcery, filling the game’s...
Frictional Games, the studio behind the Amnesia series and SOMA, is eager to reveal their latest title, Amnesia: The Bunker,...
Konami Digital Entertainment B.V. today announced the return of the Suikoden series, with Suikoden I&II HD Remaster Gate Rune and...
Microids is delighted to announce Operation Wolf Returns: First Mission with a handful of screenshots. Discover or rediscover Operation Wolf,...